Differential Pressure Detectors

About Nuclear Qualified Differential Pressure Detectors

SOR is one of the only pressure detector manufacturers to offer a full line of nuclear qualified pressure, differential pressure, vacuum and temperature detectors. SOR has a 10CFR50 Appendix B quality program and we accept 10CFR21. You can count on our commitment to supply high quality nuclear instrumentation products that perform in both harsh and mild environments, whether it is for replacement detectors or new plant design. In addition, SOR can provide solutions to your specific application needs through custom engineering or modifications to our existing products.

Form, Fit, and Function Replacement and New-Build Detectors

  • Pressure and Vacuum
  • Differential Pressure
  • Temperature

All Detectors Comply with Nuclear Power Generation Industry Requirements

  • 1E-qualified instruments by a combination of testing and analysis to meet your specifications
  • 10CFR50, Appendix B
  • ANSI N45.2 NQA-1 (including reporting)
  • IEEE-323-1974 & 1983
  • IEEE-344-1975 & 1987

Audited by

  • Nuclear Procurement Issues Committee (NUPIC)
  • Nuclear Industry Assessment Committee (NIAC)
  • Canadian Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA) in accordance with N285.0 Category “F” type Fittings and B51 Category “F” type Fittings

Engineered Solutions for Unique Situations

  • SOR can modify or work with you to design products whatever the process application, safety concerns or environmental demands