General Instructions
- Opposed Piston Differential Pressure Detectors (Form GI279)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 102 Differential Pressure Detector (Form GI420)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 103 Differential Pressure Detector (Form GI391)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 107 Differential Pressure Detector (Form GI492)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 101/121 Differential Pressure Detectors (Form GI506)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 101/121 Differential Pressure Detectors O-Ring & Diaphragm Replacement (Form GI1444)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Spanish Big Hermet Pressure Detectors (Form CAT455S)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Spanish Mini-Hermet Pressure Detectors (Form CAT456S)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Series 20 Differential Pressure Detectors (Form CAT387)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Pivot Seal Pressure Detectors (Form CAT219)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Pressure and Vacuum Detectors (Form CAT216)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Mini-Hermet Pressure Detectors (Form CAT456)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- HT HB Explosion-Proof Terminal Box (Form CAT657)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Big Hermet Pressure Detectors (Form CAT455)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Dual Hi-Lo Pressure Detectors (Form CAT217)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Adjustable Dead Band Pressure Detectors (Form CAT281)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 101/121 Differential Pressure Detectors (Form CAT468)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 401 Bourdon Tube Pressure Detector (Form CAT1059)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
General Instructions
- Spanish Big Hermet Pressure Detectors (Form GI280S)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Sub Mini-Hermet Pressure Detectors (Form GI264)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SPDT Detectoring Element Bracket (Form GI426)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Pressure Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling (Form GI1296)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Pressure Detectors for Process Applications (Form GI496)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Replacing the Spring in Pressure Detectors (Form GI1521)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Replacing Standard O-Ring Diaphragm (Form GI557)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- OMNI Pressure Detector (Form GI463)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- PK Pipe Kits (Form GI435)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Mini-Hermet Pressure Detectors (Form GI168)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Kier Cover Safety Interlock Applications (Form GI495)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Big Hermet Pressure Detectors (Form GI280)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Dual Hi-Lo Pressure Detectors (Form GI248)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- HB HBME Terminal Housings (Form GI1259)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Adjustable Dead Band Pressure Detectors (Form GI466)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- B & J Pressure Detectors (Form GI316)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 401 Bourdon Tube Pressure Detector (Form GI1214)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 1800 Series Pressure Transmitters (Form 1906)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Pressure Transmitters (Form CAT1806)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 815LT Submersible Level Transmitter (Form CAT1735)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
General Instructions
- Calibration Kit (Form GI1459)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 1800 Series Pressure Transmitters (Form GI1807)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 1800 Series Differential Pressure Transmitters (Form GI1808)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 815PT Smart Pressure Transmitter (Form GI1571)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 815DT Smart Differential Pressure Transmitter (Form GI1588)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 815LT Submersible Level Transmitter (Form GI1741)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 805PT Pressure Transmitter (Form GI1435)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 800 Series Digital Display (Form GI1668)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 510IM Immersible Transmitter (Form GI1003)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- T21 Thermal Differential Detector (Form CAT1021)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Series 900 Flow Detectors (Form CAT672)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 1520 Top Mounted Electric Flow Detector (Form CAT499)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
General Instructions
- T21 Thermal Differential Point Detector (Form GI1024)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Series 900 Flow Detectors (Form GI588)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 1520 Top Mounted Electric Flow Detector (Form GI454)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
General Instructions
General Instructions
- Ultrasonic Level Detectors (Form CAT1145)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Level Detectors (Form CAT912)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 1710 Side Mounted Level Detector (Form CAT864)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 1500 Series Level Detectors (Form CAT500)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
General Instructions
- Ultrasonic Two Wire Point Level Control (Form GI771)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Ultrasonic Point Level Detectors (Form GI829)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Replacing the Detector Mechanism (Form GI448)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- RF Point Level Control with Sensor Monitor (Form GI924)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- RF Two-Wire Level Control with Sensor Monitor (Form GI925)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Level Detectors (Form GI425)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 2210 Side Mounted Level Detector (Form GI1428)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 1710 Side Mounted Level Detector (Form GI916)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 1550 Top Mounted Level Detector (Form GI865)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 1510 Side Mounted Level Detector (Form GI451)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 1530 Side Mounted Pneumatic Level Detector (Form GI439)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 1540 Side Mounted Pneumatic Level Detector (Form GI1306)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 651 K9 RF Admittance 2-Wire Point Level Control (Form GI759)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 660 Multipoint Electronic Level Detector (Form GI677)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 701 Ultrasonic Point Level Detector (Form GI712)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Ultrasonic Two-wire Point Level Control with Tip-type Sensor (Form GI841)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Watch INMETRO Certification Video
- Watch Power Plant 101 Video
- Watch Oil & Gas 101 Video
- Watch SOR Mechanical Level – Steps to Selecting the Right Level Detector Video
- Watch Float Operated Level Detector Operation Video
- Watch Displacer Operated Level Detector Operation Video
- Watch Horizontal Float Operated Level Detector Operation Video
- Watch In the Field – 651 RF Level Detector in an Oil/Water Interface Application Video
- Watch Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Short Training Video
- RF Capacitance Level Controls (Form CAT1100)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Pressure Transmitters (Form CAT1806)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 815LT Submersible Level Transmitter (Form CAT1735)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 510 Submersible Level Transmitter (Form CAT1144)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
General Instructions
- Spanish Pressure Detectors for Process Applications (Form GI496S)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 1800 Series Differential Pressure Transmitters (Form GI1808)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 815DT Smart Differential Pressure Transmitter (Form GI1588)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 815LT Submersible Level Transmitter (Form GI1741)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 670K9 SORtrax Level Transmitter (Form GI837)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 800 Series Digital Display (Form GI1668)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 510 Submersible Level Transmitter (Form GI948)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
Nuclear Qualified
General Instructions
Sampling Systems
- SENSOR Bottle, Cap and Septum Supplies (Form CAT1813)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SENSOR LGSS and VSS Sampling Systems (Form CAT1681)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
General Instructions
- SENSOR LGSS Sampling System (Form GI1685)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SENSOR VSS Sampling System (Form GI1690)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SENSOR Bottle, Cap and Septum Supplies (Form CAT1813)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SENSOR RSS Sampling System (Form CAT1756)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SENSOR Heavy Products Sampling System (Form CAT1772)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
General Instructions
- SENSOR RSS Sampling System (Form GI1763)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- Heavy Products Sampling System (HPSS) (Form GI1781)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SENSOR Bottle, Cap and Septum Supplies (Form CAT1813)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SENSOR LGSS and VSS Sampling Systems (Form CAT1681)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
General Instructions
- SENSOR LGSS Sampling System (Form GI1685)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SENSOR VSS Sampling System (Form GI1690)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SENSOR IVSS Inline Sampling System (Form CAT1883)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SENSOR Bottle, Cap and Septum Supplies (Form CAT1813)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SENSOR PIBSS Sampling System (Form CAT1680)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SENSOR ISS Sampling System (Form CAT1679)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SENSOR BBSS Sampling System (Form CAT1675)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
General Instructions
- SENSOR IVSS Sampling System (Form GI1895)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SENSOR PIBSS Sampling System (Form GI688)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SENSOR ISS Sampling System (Form GI1689)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- SENSOR BBSS Sampling System (Form GI1684)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
General Instructions
General Instructions
- 1450 Control Valve (Form GI1641)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
- 1451_Control Valve (Form GI1640)(pdf) (opens in a new tab)
General Instructions